in-person worship services

worship at forest hills

Forest Hills Macon invites you to join us in worship. 

Each Sunday we offer 3 distinct worship opportunities, with our Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Baxter Hurley, preaching a message of Good News from God's Word.

8:30am in the Music Suite

(Facing the building from Forest Hill Rd., the entrance is on the far left side of the building) 

Doss Edwards leads music from the piano with a blend of hymns and more contemporary worship selections for our Blended Worship Service. The worship atmosphere offers an informal, casual, and peaceful experience for all.

9:45am in the Ministry Center and LiveStream
(Facing the building from Forest Hill Rd. direct entrance to Ministry Center is on the back right corner of the building. 

You can also enter through a hallway connected to the Canopy entrance.)

Jeremy Wilson and the FHC Band lead this Modern Worship Service with songs you may be familiar with from Christian radio. 

The worship atmosphere is informal, dynamic, and joyful.

11:00am in the Sanctuary and LiveStream
(The lobby to the Sanctuary is in the center of the front of our building)

Dana Allen Smith and various congregational members

lead our Traditional Worship Service with prayers, creeds, and hymns, accompanied by

Brant Snow on the organ and piano. Music from our chancel choir enhances this traditional worship experience.

We look forward to welcoming you in worship at Forest Hills Global Methodist Church.