Cost: Free
Kids Connect is open to kids age 3-5th Grade. It is on Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7pm. Kids will enjoy Bible stories, music, science experiments, games and crafts.
Upcoming Events
Kids Connect
Cost: Free
Kids Connect is open to kids age 3-5th Grade. It is on Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7pm. Kids will enjoy Bible stories, music, science experiments, games and crafts.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 13th
Cost: FREE
Lambert's House
Families, join us for our annual egg hunt! We'll have dinner together, play games, hunt eggs and more!
Invite your friends!
True north VBS
June 8th-11th
Cost: FREE
Open to children in Nursery-5th Grade. Kids will be learning that we can trust Jesus in this wild world!
We'll all have dinner together and then kids in 3rd grade and younger will play games, do science experiments, learn Bible stories, enjoy music and more fun!
Our 4th & 5th graders will be adventuring in the wild! They will be learning survival skills and Bible stories.
Registration coming soon.
Indian Springs Summer Camp
July 14th-18th
8:30am- 5pm
Cost: $80
Summer Camp is for rising 1st-5th graders. In the mornings, we will participate in activities at Indian Springs Camp like Bible stories, art, games and music. In the afternoons, we'll have an adventure! We'll explore Indian Springs State Park, Dauset Trails, Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary and more! Space will be limited.
Registration coming soon.