BACKPACK Buddies Ministry

The BackPack Buddies Ministry began in February of 2011 with 9 students from Lane Elementary. In the years that have followed we've grown to service over 2,800 children in multiple schools and 4 counties. But not only did our program grow, we've inspired eight other churches to create their own programs which now serve an additional students with food, clothes, & school supplies.

We're still growing. That's why we need you! Email Brenda Lambert ( and see how you can help with the BackPack Buddies Ministry and view our brochure for more details. 

We also invite you to give to support this ministry through this direct link:

Click HERE to see what WMAZ has to say about the Backpack Buddies Ministry!

how it works

  • Children who come to school hungry are identified by teachers, counselors or principals. A permission form is sent home asking parents/guardian permission for the child to receive a bag of food every Friday by a representative of Forest Hills Church. 
  • We shop weekly at the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank. Our partnership with the MGCFB continues to grow as they help provide individual servings of child friendly food at a nominal fee. 
  • Each student receives 15 child-friendly items (4 drinks, 3 protein, 3 fruit, 3 snacks, and 2 breakfast) each Friday. 
  • Community volunteers are needed to pack these bags just about every day! Ask about availability!
  • Men are wanted to help unload our trailers after we visit the Middle Georgia Food Bank on Tuesdays.